200 110th Ave, Bellevue WA 98004

Hotel special discount (click here)

IMPORTANT – Please use one of the following browsers in order to properly connect: Chrome, Safari, Edge, Google, DuckDuckGo (Firefox does not work)

The code is: GBA2025 or you may call Laurie Ha

Need a ride to and from the airport?
y to book by phone: 425-363-3803

Seattle/Bellevue offers world-class shopping, dining, entertainment, and major corporate headquarters.

Seattle Marriott Bellevue: $189.00 USD per night (king or double queen) for Friday, Saturday & Sunday.



PLEASE NOTE: All ticketed events occur on Saturday, April 12th and Sunday, April 13th. Although the time frames below make up the current schedule, there is a small possibility of potential minor changes.

Saturday, April 12th – Seattle Marriott Bellevue

4:00pm – 7:00pm: FINE DINING PRIVATE INFLUENCER DINNER at Seastar Restaurant & Raw Bar (3 course meal + 2 drink tickets and swag bag) located in Bellevue, WA

6:15pm – 6:50pm: Optional GBAs Ambassador & GBAs Got Talent Competition Rehearsal

7:00pm – 10:00pm: WELCOME PARTY sponsored by LLOYD ENTERPRISES, INC. (includes the optional GBAs Ambassador Contest & the GBAs Got Talent competitions*, the incredible DJ, hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and great networking)

*Whoever wins the runway competition, becomes the first ever Global Beauty Awards Ambassador. Cash, prizes, and scholarships totaling more than $30,000. Here’s the link for more details: GBAs Ambassador

DURING WELCOME PARTY: Optional Global Beauty Awards Ambassador (GBAs Ambassador) and The Global Beauty Awards Got Talent (GBAs Got Talent) contests (must email [email protected] for release form and application. Must complete both forms prior to competing.

*The last date to enter the optional GBAs Ambassador and GBAs Got Talent is March 15, 2025 at 5pm PST*


  • $300 Biggest Dive (male winner), sponsored by Lloyd Enterprises, Inc.
  • $300 Best Rising Star (17 and under), sponsored by Lloyd Enterprises, Inc.
  • $300 Most Refined Senior, sponsored by Lloyd Enterprises, Inc.
  • $300 Most Confident (All-inclusive body type), sponsored by Lloyd Enterprises, Inc.

Sunday, April 13thSeattle Marriott Bellevue

2:00pm – 4:00pm: RED CARPET

3:30pm – 4:30pm: DINNER (3:45pm with special table seating) + Swag Bag (limited quantities for the first 100 tickets purchased so get your dinner tickets now)



Would you like to attend a powerful COMPLIMENTARY WORKSHOP at the Seattle Marriott Bellevue, 200 110th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004?

April 13, 2025 (Sunday Morning)

9:30AM-12:30PM (4 speakers during this workshop)

Please RSVP if you’re interested in attending this workshop:

9:30AM: Joe Barnes | Learn practical tips and strategies to educate yourself and children about protecting yourself online 

Hear shocking, real quotes from tweens/teens revealing the hidden world of social media, why girls as young as 6th and 7th grade believe they can become an influencer, and the alarming lengths they’ll go to make it happen, including sharing revealing photos. Learn how predators are targeting young girls, exploiting vulnerabilities. Discover how you can help the young girls you love. Learn practical tips and strategies to educate and empower young people to protect themselves online.

Joe Barnes is an accomplished academic; published author; senior leader in for-profit, nonprofit, higher education, and consultant. His background includes Vice President and News Director KOMO-TV Seattle, News Director KGO-TV and KPIX-TV San Francisco, Chief Marketing and Development Officer Girl Scouts of Western Washington, and Director of Strategic Communications Washington State University. His books include: “Social Media Ethics” and “Social Media Safety: What Parents and Teens Need to Know.” He is currently Associate Clinical Professor, Marketing, at the Albers School of Business & Economics, Seattle University.

10:05AM: Dr. S. Kennedy Garcia | Breaking Free from the Comparison Trap: Reign in Your Lane & Embrace Your Unique Journey to Success

In a world dominated by social media and constant competition, it’s easy to feel trapped in the cycle of comparison. This empowering 45-minute session will help you break free from the pressures of measuring yourself against others. You’ll learn practical strategies to embrace your unique strengths, focus on your personal path, and redefine success on your own terms. Join Dr. Kennedy Garcia as she shares transformative insights and actionable tools to help you build confidence, maintain clarity, and “reign in your lane.” Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate your individuality and unlock your full potential!

10:55AM: Brittany Torres | Reigning Online: How to Build Your Digital Platform 

Step confidently into your era of digital royalty and learn how building a strong visual image and properly using different online platforms will elevate your personal brand and take your crown to the next level.

11:40AM: Kerry Damiano | A personal journey spanning over 40 years, 6x GBA recipient Kerry Damiano shares how she became Ms. World Traveler in her 60’s, the failures, starts & stops, and challenges along the way, and how it is never too late to try something new.




Seatac International Airport (SEA airport) which is about 17 miles from Seattle Marriott Bellevue Hotel




Attire may be formal and/or fashionable (crown/sash – optional). Please be prepared for photos, fun and incredible networking!



Please be sure to fill in the quantity or number of tickets you wish to purchase from each choice. Tax/processing fees will be automatically added to your total.




Ticket #1 ($99.00+tax/fee):  ON SATURDAY; WELCOME PARTY (7:00pm-10:00pm includes Runway competition, desserts, incredible DJ, and great networking). Last date to enter the GBAs Ambassador contest and/or the GBAs Got Talent contest is on March 15, 2025 at 5pm PST.

Ticket #2 ($139+tax/fee):  ON SUNDAY; AWARDS SHOW ONLY (4:00pm doors open, theatre style seats located in the back of the ballroom. NO dinner, no swag bag, no artist drawing, and no live red carpet interviews.)

Ticket #3 ($199+tax/fee):  ON SUNDAY; RED CARPET (2:00pm red carpet interviews with Lu Sierra and special host. Must attend at 2:00pm in order to get interviewed), and AWARDS SHOW (4:00pm doors open) sitting at a table (NO Dinner, no swag bag, no artist drawing, and the table seating is at the back of the ballroom).

Ticket #4 ($399+tax/fee):  ON SUNDAY; RED CARPET (2:00pm red carpet interviews with Lu Sierra and special host. Must attend at 2:00pm in order to get interviewed), DINNER (3:30pm), AWARDS SHOW (4:30pm), SWAG BAG (none left), and NO Celebrity Artist Drawing.

Ticket #5 ($599+tax/fee):  ON SUNDAY; RED CARPET (2:00pm red carpet interviews with Lu Sierra and special guest. Must attend at 2:00pm in order to get interviewed), DINNER (3:30pm), AWARDS SHOW (4:30pm), SWAG BAG (Including all Ticket choices combined on this page, the first 100 receive swag bags available up until December 1, 2024), INDIVIDUAL CELEBRITY ARTIST DRAWING, ONSTAGE PRESENTER – SOLD OUT (during the show with photo on homepage), VIDEO PROMO (image included in the opening promo for the show), and SOCIAL MEDIA (shout out promo).

Ticket #6 ($1,299+tax/fee):  ON SATURDAY; PRIVATE INFLUENCER DINNER (4:00pm-7:00pm dinner w/influencers including 3 course meal, celebrity artist drawing your photo individually, and up to 2 drink tickets), WELCOME PARTY (7pm-10pm includes optional Runway competition, desserts, DJ and networking, with reserved seating). ON SUNDAY; RED CARPET (2:00pm red carpet interviews with Lu Sierra and must attend at 2:00pm in order to get interviewed), DINNER (3:30pm), ONSTAGE PRESENTER – (during the show with photo on homepage), AWARDS SHOW (4:30pm), SWAG BAG (Including all Ticket choices combined on this page, the first 100 receive swag bags available up until December 1, 2024). INDIVIDUAL CELEBRITY ARTIST DRAWING, VIDEO PROMO (image included in the opening promo for the show), and SOCIAL MEDIA (shout out promo).

Ticket #7 ($4,300+tax/fee):  ON SATURDAY (includes up to 8 people sitting at the same table); WELCOME PARTY (7pm-10pm includes optional Runway competition, desserts, DJ and networking, with reserved seating). ON SUNDAY; RED CARPET (2:00pm red carpet interviews with Lu Sierra and must attend at 2:00pm in order to get interviewed), DINNER (3:30pm), INDIVIDUAL CELEBRITY ARTIST DRAWING, ONSTAGE PRESENTERS (2 people at your table may be designated as presenters during the show with their photos on TGBA’s homepage) AWARDS SHOW (4:30pm), SWAG BAG (including all ticket choices combined on this page, the first 100 receive swag bags available up until December 1, 2024). VIDEO PROMO – SOLD OUT (2 presenter’s images included in the opening promo for the show), and SOCIAL MEDIA – SOLD OUT (shout out promo).

Ticket #8 ($7oo+tax/fee): PRIVATE INFLUENCER DINNER – SATURDAY ONLY (4:00pm-7:00pm dinner w/influencers including 3 course meal, and up to 2 drink tickets, INDIVIDUAL CELEBRITY ARTIST DRAWING)

9. Vendor Booth ($500+tax/fee) : Table(s)/chair(s) provided to promote/sell your product(s).

10. Advertising #1 ($260+tax/fee): Advertising commercial (up to 30 seconds) during dinner.

11. Advertising #2 ($500+tax/fee): Bring your own Step & Repeat. (Must purchase by March 15, 2025.)

12. Advertising #3 ($3,000+tax/fee): Advertising with your LOGO on the TGBA Step & Repeat.

13. Platinum Sponsorship ($25,000+tax/fee): Please email [email protected] for more information.

14. Downloadable Video ($69+tax/fee): 2025 TGBA Show Video – Downloadable (Access will be made available to you as an .mp4 file via a private email link sent to your email address.

15. SPONSORED AWARD ($1000+tax/fee): Would you like to sponsor an award above or sponsor an award for a new category? This award may be sponsored by anyone who would like to make a minimum five (5) year commitment for the sponsorship which is $1000 p/year.

16. COMPANY/PERSONAL LOGO/NAME ON EACH TROPHY ($15,000+tax/fee): Company Logo or Name on every winner’s trophy for the current upcoming Awards Show.

17. NOT PRESENT, TROPHY DELIVERY ($300+tax/fee): If you are unable to attend, S&H is included (U.S. delivery only).




Please CLICK HERE to make your

non-refundable payment for ALL Tickets!