Official GBA Voting List 2024
Nominee Voting
This is it VIP PRO Members! It’s time for you to decide who will be the Official Nominees for the 2024 Global Beauty Awards. In addition, your votes will determine who ultimately takes home the Trophy for being the BEST of the best worldwide through their involvement in Pageantry.
Please note that PEOPLE’S CHOICE is not on this page. The People’s Choice voting will be available on a separate page starting on Saturday, March 23rd through Wednesday, April 10. $500 will go towards a nonprofit of the winner’s choice.
Please do NOT begin the actual voting process here until you have made your decisions from the profiles in Dropbox that was provided to you via email.
1. DO NOT SHARE THIS PAGE WITH ANYONE. Although no one else could vote, we would like to keep all names confidential due to privacy. Thank you!
2. Please vote as objectively as possible.
3. You have ONE VOTE for each category.
4. After making your vote in a given category, YOU MUST CLICK ON THE BLUE VOTE BUTTON (towards the bottom right of each category section).
5. Once you make your vote in a category section, you cannot change it.
6. You may vote in one category, some categories or in all categories. However, it is preferred to have you vote in as many categories as possible.
7. The deadline for your final vote(s) is due no later than Monday, January 22nd by 3:00pm PST / 6:00pm EST. Votes will not count if they are made after this date/time.
8. This page will be deleted on Monday, January 22nd immediately after the 3:00pm PST / 6:00pm EST voting deadline.
9. In order to possibly become one of the Official Nominees, you must receive at least five (5) votes.